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Tokyo Street Photographer Deniz Demir Lightroom Presets


写真をプロレベルに仕上げながら、編集ワークフローをスピードアップしたいと思いませんか?  ​ カラーグレーディングは私の仕事の重要な部分であり、あなたの仕事でも重要です。私は完成と微調整に何百時間も費やしてきましたが、今ではその必要はありません。 私独自の Adob​​e Lightroom プリセット コレクションは、さまざまな外観とオプションを備えた、目を引く映画のようなスタイルのコレクションを提供します。すべてのカメラ ブランドとさまざまな Lightroom バージョンでうまく動作し、テスト済みです。


Newly Released Including 18 Presets + 2 bonus

Nihon Nights is my updated collection of 18 of my revamped street presets!  Professionally and meticulously put together to achieve a signature cinematic style. I use these mostly for my night street photography and cityscape but can also be used for daytime with a little white balance tweaking and are a huge timesaver in my editing workflow. And now I'm making them available to you all. 

Tokyo Street Photographer Deniz Demir Lightroom Presets

東京のいくつかに敬意を表して 最も悪名高い駅....

Tokyo Street Photographer Deniz Demir Lightroom Presets

18 presets
20 tone curves
bloom on/off
3 graiN on/off


There are plenty of options included to customize the presets to your liking including:

- 20 different Tone Curves (with and without RGB adjustments)

- Bloom On and Off to give a halation effect and boost those highlights

- 3 types of Film Grain On and Off to give the option of giving your photos a little more grunge and filmic look

Tokyo Street Photographer Deniz Demir Lightroom Presets


My Original Set of Street Classics

Nihon Classics is a collection of 17 of some of my favorite and original street presets, professionally and meticulously put together to achieve a signature style. I use these frequently for both day and night street photography and cityscape and are a huge timesaver in my editing workflow.

See them in action below!

Including Grain On / Off.


Tokyo Street Photographer Deniz Demir Lightroom Presets

How To Use

Notes about using Presets


Basic Adjustments

Please remember that all Presets are only a starting point. Some presets work well with some photos and some do not depending on existing colors and lighting in the original photo. Don’t be afraid to tweak each preset to your liking including:


  • White Balance

  • Exposure

  • Highlights, Shadows, Whites, Blacks

  • Vibrance / Saturation 

  • Color Mixer

  • Color Grading

  • Calibration


Film Grain

There are 3 different film grains included with a reset option.

Flim Grain #1 - fine grain

Film Grain #2 - medium grain

Film Grain #3 - medium grain (size and amount boost)


Tone Curves

The Tone Curves are some of the most powerful editing features in Lightroom which is why I’ve included 20 separate curve adjustments in this pack giving you a multitude of editing options!


These presets fully utilize not only the main Tone Curve but also the separate RGB curves as well that help give each preset their own signature style.


I’ve created 10 different main Point Curves with and without RGB adjustments so once you’ve selected a preset you like you can further tweak the look using these variations.



There is a Bloom On and Off preset which gives a halation style effect to really pop those highlights with a boosted hazy effect. The initial setting is set to 100 which might be too strong for your liking so in that case please adjust the amount with the slider in the MASKS section. In the case the effect does not work on your particular image you can add a radial or linear gradient across your image.

Lightroom にプリセットをインストールする方法

Click the version of Lightroom you are using below for instructions:


LIGHTROOM 4,5,6 or older


If you still have any issues at all, reach out to me directly or on IG


Step 1: Download your Lightroom Presets. The presets will come in a .zip file.
Step 2: Navigate to the Develop Module in Lightroom and click on File>Import Develop Profiles and Presets (see image below).














Step 3: Locate the downloaded zipped preset file or the folder with unzipped XMP files.
Step 4: Open Presets Panel, expand presets folder, and click a preset to apply it.


Launch Lightroom Classic, click the small "+" on the Presets Panel, and select "Import Presets." Locate the downloaded zipped preset file, and the presets will install automatically!
Ensure you are in the Develop mode to view the Presets tab.

Deniz Demir Photography Presets Installation Guide